Mountasser Hachem CEO of Monty Mobile Featured on Forbes Middle East

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Mountasser Hachem, Monty Mobile’s CEO shares his vision for the company and the new investments planned with the operators as the company plans to take big strides in the telecom industry.

Mountasser Hachem CEO of Monty Mobile Featured on Forbes Middle East 
How would you describe Monty Mobile’s growth to be since its inception? What are some of the milestones you achieved since then? As a member of Monty Holding Group, Monty Mobile has come a long way since its establishment in 1998. As a GSMA Certified Open Connectivity SMS Hub and Roaming Broker, we have slowly expanded our services and quality of work and we are currently working closely with worldwide mobile operators in order to facilitate the international flow of data, SMS and voice across global markets in addition to roaming, VAS and other telecom services. We are very proud of our achievements as we are currently able to compete with big companies that have been established long before us, with competitive prices and quality services that are guaranteed to satisfy all our customers. Our long and proven years of experience have enhanced our indus-try knowledge turning us into real telecom experts. Our learn-ing curve never stops growing, fueled by our ongoing market research, analysis and on-ground presence in major telecommu-nications events and exhibitions around the globe.

What is the vision and drive behind the company’s growth? ‘Be the first, be the pioneer’ has always been my slogan and my mission in life, especially when it comes to my business. Thanks to this spirit, Monty Holding and its subsidiaries have now grown into becoming a leading group of companies deal-ing with Data, SMS and Voice. Monty Mobile is currently on a mission to bring awareness to all mobile operators around the world as many of them are facing losses and are oblivious to the real potentials they could be achieving. Operators are often surprised with the numbers we are promising them as they are unaware of their full poten-tial and the revenues they could be making. But through our high-quality services we make sure that they reach their full potential. If they win, we win and if they lose; we lose as well.

What are your plans for investments with operators? Monty Mobile is taking the initiative with operators and is planning to invest over $1.8 billion to drastically change their revenues especially from International A2P SMS (Application- To-Peer), in addition to investing billions in Roaming and VAS services. We are aiming big and establishing our position in the telecommunications sector as a trustworthy partner. Our SMS Gateway Management has been developed to perfection and is the solution to stop all leakages that operators are facing at the moment. Only 3% to 10% of operators believe that they have secure networks, while over 30% of A2P Messaging is not yet monetized. Our SMS Gateway Management is able to identify, target and eliminate all grey routes thus automatically improv-ing the operators’ services and doubling its revenue.

How are you reaching out to new markets and operators from around the world? After many years in the market, we have come to the conclu-sion that the best way to do business is to reach out and meet operators’ representatives face-to-face as it simplifies commu-nication. This is one of the reasons we have started planning our RVS (Roaming, VAS and SMS) event which has already taken place three times so far in Dubai and Kuala Lumpur. The main aim of the event is to meet and discuss our services with operators and to hear about their main concerns and the ser-vices they would like to receive. So far, the event has been suc-cessful in gathering representatives from all around the world and we plan to organize many future RVS events in diverse countries so that we can meet as many operators as possible and open up new markets.

Are you planning any other telecom event soon? Monty Mobile will be the proud host of WAS #6 that will take place in Marrakech, Morocco from September 25 till September 28, 2017 with over 1,000 participants from opera-tors and carriers around the world. The Wholesale Agreements and Solutions Group (WAS) is an event coordinated by the GSMA association aiming to develop roaming and intercon-nect agreement templates and wholesale charging principles. We are eager to welcome all participants as our team have been working hard planning and organizing this event in order to make everyone feel comfortable and have a pleasant stay in Marrakech. This will be the perfect opportunity to showcase our services and to come face-to-face with operators from all corners of the world showing them our real potential and help-ing them experience our hospitality and the way we conduct our business.

What is the future you envision for your company? With a growing team of experts from around the globe, and with offices in the U.K., Lebanon, India and Fiji we aim to keep developing our reach and expanding our services. The ultimate quality performance achieved by our products has allowed us to earn the trust of mobile operators and service providers all around the world, as well as to sustain solid partnerships with them, which is an important aspect of our business that we aim to preserve and develop further with future clients as we ex-pand and build a bigger portfolio. Some might think that SMS is dead, but researches and studies are showing that the A2P SMS market is growing day by day with estimates to reach over $70 billion of revenues by the year 2020. We want operators to be part of this grow-ing business and to claim their rightful stakes. We aim high and we look forward to seeing our clients satisfied with our services.


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